Fascial Posture Training System (FPTS) - Online


Fascial Posture Training is the art of reading tension held in tissues and the skill of releasing it through facilitated fascial stretching, fascial plane exercise and fascial unpinning. Fascial Posture Training ensures that tissue too tight, too short, too restricted is not loaded through random exercises. The methodology of fascial Posture Training is to look at the entire body as one synergistic functioning unit that will only reach fluid movement when the restricted areas are reduced.

In fascial Posture Training the entire body is engaged, from the first metatarsal to top of the cervical spine, there is awareness and engagement. Fascial Posture Training does not count repetitions or train for hypertrophy. It is understood that anaerobic or aerobic conditioning will only improve with fascial release techniques because the heart is connected to the lungs with fascial tension. When the focus is fascia the objective is to return the body to fluid in an unrestricted, neutral and strong posture. This causes permanent physical change and allows optimal athletic ability develop.

The fascial slings are hammocks of highly innervated tissue that encase muscles in one delicate, continuous web from tip of the toe to crown of the skull. This tissue once thought to be inert and used only to keep muscle in bundles, it is now recognized as the most highly innervated tissue in the body that translates every movement, impact and thought into tension in the body. Without addressing fascial fitness and fascia health we neglect the most critical aspect of the human form and physical capabilities.

This course in Fascial Posture Training will initiate the learner into the art of reading posture, stretching fascia and releasing tension in tissues to optimize client progress. Fascia is the root of movement and progressive trainers will thrive in the skills that will catapult their clients to optimal ability.

The FPTS Online Course Covers

  1. How the Fascial System works
  2. Muscle testing to highlight fascial tension
  3. The 5 major fascial lines
  4. Posture reading through the fascial lines
  5. Facilitated “Fascial Pinning, Stretching and Releasing”

Course Materials

Upon registering for the course, you will be asked to create a member account using your e-mail address and to set a password on the CPTN Trainer website. This information permits you to access the course materials immediately.

Note: All course materials will be hosted on the CPTN Trainer website. No materials will be e-mailed or mailed.

Course Exam

Completion of the Fascial Posture Training Specialist program requires candidates to complete a 30 random selected multiple-choice questions exam and achieve a passing grade of 70% or higher.

Required Testing

  • Exam: 90 minutes (1.5 Hours) – 30 multiple-choice questions
  • Grade: 70% or higher


  • CPTN CECs: 7.0
  • You will earn the designation CPTN-CFPTS.


  • Notebooks, pen, pencil, paper, etc…
  • Laptop or Desktop computer
  • Broadband Internet connection
