2021 CPTN Personal Trainer Online Summit Session Information
All Online Sessions
CECs: CPTN-7/14, OFC-7/14
Session Index
S01: KEYNOTE: Unlocking the Impossible by Harnessing the Power of Flow State
Steven Kotler, MA
Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the elite performers” secrets–athletes, CEOs, and more–who have changed our definition of the possible. In this session, Steven teaches us how we, too, can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more attainable.
S02: Do You Have the Guts to be Healthy? (L)
Frances Michaelson, ND, BA, PTS
Most of us would like to live a long active, healthy life but not by popping a handful of pills or living in a retirement home. Sadly, due to incorrect lifestyle choices and modern life’s stress, this is not what we are seeing. Instead, we face a plethora of chronic diseases, autoimmune conditions, allergies, food intolerances and hormonal imbalances. In this presentation, you will learn how our Six Pillars of Health: How we Think, Digest, Absorb, Use, Eliminate, and Move, contribute to whether we succeed or fail in our path towards wellness. Walk away with the necessary steps to take to feel better than ever and age backwards!
S03: Feet and Aging: How Our Feet Change As We Age
Dr. Emily Splichal, DPM, MS, CES
Every day 10,000 adults turn age 65, entering one of the fastest-growing sectors. With 65 as the new 50, older adult clients are looking to enjoy some of the best days of their lives. However, thinning skin, arthritis, neuropathy and fat pad atrophy can all impede their ability to walk, run and enjoy their favourite activities. Join Podiatrist Dr. Emily Splichal as she explores the common changes to the foot and how to offset these changes to enhance movement longevity.
S04: FKCI™ Fitness Kickboxing for the Personal Trainer
Ross O’Donnell, BA, CPTN-CPT
This session is developed specifically for the personal trainer to incorporate “Real” Kickboxing punch and kick techniques and actual combinations designed by a Certified Competitive Kickboxing Coach and Certified Personal Trainer. Delegates will come away with a complete personal training session format including combination selection and virtual “In the Ring” drills: warm-up, hand wrapping, stance, footwork, kickboxing drills and combinations utilizing focus pads and partner training, as well as a virtual format. This workshop is designed for the ultimate in authenticity and fitness, ensuring a safe and efficient small group or personal training session.
S05: Flow in Fitness – Specific Applications of Flow Triggers to Maximize the Client Experience
Karsten Jensen, MSc, CPTN-CPT.M
Flow, defined, is a state where we feel our best and perform our best. Therefore, helping your client experience flow during each session with you is a key to delivering a sublime experience that motivates them to keep coming back. In this session, we explicitly tie the extensively researched flow triggers into program design and communication tactics for personal training that you can apply immediately.
S06: The Functional Aging Training Model: Why It Matters For Your Clients Over 50
Dr. Dan Ritchie, PhD, CPTN-CPT
In this session, you will learn the six domains of human function and why they are critical for your training approach for clients of all ages, especially those over age 50. For too long, we have had no theoretical model for approaching training for people of advancing age. This session will explore over 100 research studies looking into strength and power, balance and more. It will also address what works for training clients for maximal functional ability and functional longevity.
S07: The Hip Health 10 Program
Nick Tumminello, CPT
The Hip Health 10 (HH10) is a program that ensures you exercise all of the movements and muscles necessary for optimizing hip health. It involves the top 10 supplementary exercises for increasing hip strength and mobility that can be done anywhere in a short amount of time. The HH10 provides you with a simple, organized and concise sequence of exercises that have been carefully chosen because, when performed in combination, they can reduce your injury risk and enhance your performance.
S08: How to Create a Health Network that Complements Your Personal Training Business
Dr. Ken Kinakin, DC, CSCS
2020 was a challenging year for fitness professionals and facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic and endless lockdowns of gyms and personal training businesses. 2021 will be a year of creating new strategies and networks to help rebuild your business. Dr. Kinakin, a Chiropractor (a profession deemed an essential service), will discuss why most health professionals hesitate to refer their clients to fitness professionals. He will also share the biggest mistake personal trainers make when trying to get referrals and what it takes to gain a referral. Using a three-level, step-by-step, Know-Like-Trust concept, Dr. Kinakin will guide you through the process of discovering your expertise, making it easier to get referrals from chiropractors and other health professionals.
S09: Improved Mobility Without Stretching (L)
Dr. Alwyn Wong, DC, BSc, ART, Med Ac
Mobility and stretching have traditionally gone hand-in-hand. As we better understand the underlying anatomical and physiological principles that govern movement, a more practical approach to achieving rapid and long-lasting mobility improvements may involve activation of, rather than stretching, tight and short muscles. Stabilizing the joints by activating synergistic muscles will allow shortened and facilitated muscles to return to their normal resting length and tone. This virtual session explores the physiological principles underpinning mobility and practical activation exercises that will result in the release of these commonly shortened muscles: Iliopsoas, Hamstrings, Trapezius and Pectoralis Minor.
S10: Neurologic Training Tools for Seniors: Bringing the Nervous System on Board to Correct Balance, Coordination and Strength Gains
Melissa Putt, BA, MES, RNCP, CPT, DO(C)
The training of targeted muscle groups such as the gluteals or abdominals, for seniors, is often counterproductive and can further exacerbate faulty posture and prime muscle weaknesses. Thus, a weak glute could relate to a pathway originating in the brain or a more distal one like a toe. Adding a load to the glute would only create a localized tone without coordination and no real change. Without organized neurological pathways, our seniors lose balance, experience potential falls, faulty posture and coordination. In this session, you will learn to test and retest primary motor pathways, learn tools to address FHP, kyphosis, and lordosis with eyes and tongue, and learn how to use the inner ear to affect coordination.
S11: Personal Trainers’ Insurance: Protect Yourself & Your Business
Shane McCarthy, BComm, CAIB
Being a personal trainer isn’t just a job – you're also a business owner. Ownership means considering risks that can negatively impact your practice. This session will discuss why you need to be insured as a personal trainer and delve into protecting yourself financially from possible risks you may face on the job. Join the APOLLO team, Canada’s leading online insurance company, and learn how to protect yourself and your business.
S12: Perspectives on Resistance Training for Older Adults
Dr. Cody Sipe, PhD, CPTN-CPT
Resistance training is one of the most recommended strategies for older adults. The question is not so much “Should they do it?” but more about “How should they do it?” And this is where there are lots of different opinions. What kinds of movements are best? How heavy should they lift? What type of equipment should they use? What kind of safeguards should be in place? Should certain older adults avoid lifting? All of these questions are important. This session we take an evidence-based approach to resistance training for older adults of all ability levels and clarify these issues.
S13: Pivot Your Business with Design Thinking
Dr. Susan Lee, PhD, CPTN-CPT
Businesses have embraced design thinking as a way to cultivate innovation and creative problem-solving. You, too, can learn the frameworks and steps to pivot your business for success. Learn about different frameworks and how you can use the key steps to create client-centered solutions. You can apply this methodology to understand your niche markets, ideate possibilities better, and revise your program and services to address their most urgent needs. Finding the right solutions will lead to more significant results for your clients and a higher impact on your business.
S14: Rehab is Training – Integrating Rehab Into a Structured Training Approach
Mai-Linh Dovan, MSc, CAT(C)
As a trainer, you play a crucial role in the rehabilitation process because you are the person whose expertise keeps individuals moving better and getting stronger. Our vision at Rehab-U is to establish the framework for a higher level of rehabilitation by effectively programming it into a structured training approach, a concept we refer to as “Rehab is Training.” Rehab is the reconciliation of injury management and performance training and requires a strategy to effectively manage load, drive progress, and maximize performance while still protecting an injury.
S15: The Shoulder Health 10 Program
Nick Tumminello, CPT
The Shoulder Health 10 (SH10) is a program that ensures you exercise all of the movements and muscles necessary for optimizing shoulder health. It involves the top 10 supplementary exercises for increasing shoulder strength and mobility that can be done anywhere in a short amount of time. The SH10 provides you with a simple, organized and concise sequence of exercises that have been carefully chosen because, when performed in combination, they can reduce your injury risk and enhance your performance.
S16: Functional Food Trends for Health & Performance
Jodi Robinson, BSc, RD, CDE
Functional foods – foods enhanced with an ingredient to provide added health benefits – are becoming increasingly popular making consumer choices at the grocery store more complex. This session will explore their potential to improve general health and exercise performance, and discuss regulations, trends, and exaggerated claims. Walk away with a clear understanding of functional foods that will simplify food buying decisions for yourself and your clients.
S17: Beyond the Ring Light
Deanna Lawson-Langford, BA, CCF-CMCP, CPTN-CPT.M, OFC-TFL
Fitness has always been a vehicle to create community. 2020 challenged this in unexpected ways. As always, fitness professionals rose to the challenge and continued to serve. And we want to continue to do more. As virtual programming is likely to become a mainstay within the fitness field, this session will discuss how to make your online fitness programs jump off the screen and add fun and community connection to support our client’s physical and mental wellness.
S18: Youth Training - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Jim Kielbaso, MS
In this session, IYCA President Jim Kielbaso will discuss trends in training young athletes (6-18 years old) including some of the best and worst things happening in the profession. He will also discuss the process of long term athlete development (LTAD) and give you practical advice for every developmental level so that you can start making an impact immediately. Finally, Jim will discuss some of the business opportunities available to trainers interested in working with young athletes and help you see how this could be an important part of your career.
S19: Bodyweight, Bands and Balls; 3 Ways!
Deanna Lawson-Langford, BA, CCF-CMCP, CPTN-CPT.M, OFC-TFL
This session strives to add some new exercise ideas to your current catalogue using bodyweight and simple, at-home equipment pieces. Most importantly, it will include three versions of each movement (mat/chair/standing) to create a genuinely inclusive set of exercises for whatever way your classes and clients need support.
Note: Demonstrations will use a Pilates ball and mini-band.