CPTN Conference 2017 Session Information
Friday, June 2, 2017 Preconference Sessions – All sessions include a light lunch
Session Index
PCA: The Neurology of Strength: What It Is, How It Works and Why It Matters
Dr. Eric Cobb, DC, BSc
Strength matters! Whether your clients are in pain or performing at a world-class level – they can benefit from being stronger. Without a deep appreciation of the neurology of motor learning and motor control, many strength-training approaches leave holes in our strength capabilities. In this fast-paced workshop, we will examine the neurology of strength and gain a clear understanding of why fixing the holes in our strength matters. This workshop will provide you with a deep toolbox of new approaches to strength training and a broadened worldview that will help you modify the work you already do for maximum results.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $259 CAD + HST member; $299 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
PCB: One-Day Personal Trainer Mentorship
Nick Tumminello, CPT
During this one-day learning opportunity, you’ll discover Nick’s most effective battle-tested methods and systems for programming and training. The complex, often confusing world of fitness and training will be made clear and simple so that you can take what you learn and begin using it immediately with your clients. This isn’t information you can learn online or at your typical conference or seminar! It’s an intensive experience and opportunity to learn from one of the industry’s best. Topics covered include: Training the Five Types of Fitness Clients; Joint Friendly Strength Training; The Functional Spectrum Training Model; Practical Workout Design System for Individual and Semi-Private Training; and Cross-body Exercises.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $259 CAD + HST member; $299 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
PCC: I Am Strong – How to Align Thoughts, Beliefs And Emotions to Reach Fitness Goals Faster Than Ever Before
Karsten Jensen, MSc, CPTN-CPT.M, CHEK Practitioner L2, CHEK HLC L3
This interactive workshop teaches philosophical insights and simple yet powerful techniques you can use to help your clients align their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to reach their fitness goals faster than ever before. This engaging and participatory session will discuss Biocentrism—how consciousness creates reality (not the other way around); The Zero Point Field: to get what you want, you must focus on what you have—this element involves a critical distinction that is missed by almost everyone; how to set S.M.A.R.T.R. goals; the Observer Effect, The Work, Excuses Be Gone: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change; how to reduce fatigue and recover faster; the Matter over Mind Protocol (using cognitive intelligence): Making the future dream a present fact; the Surrender Technique—Letting go of limiting beliefs; how to use visualization to increase the effectiveness of the workout without adding training time; how to meditate during each set or interval. Disclaimer: This workshop deals with alignment of thoughts, beliefs and emotions to reach fitness goals faster.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $259 CAD + HST member; $299 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
PCD: Anatomy of Movement
Dr. Alwyn Wong, DC, BSc
Using an anatomical approach to breaking down – and building up – any movement, this full-day workshop will focus on the following movements commonly seen in a gym setting: Squat, Deadlift, Row (variations), Bench press (variations), and Overhead press (variations). Upon completing the anatomical breakdown, we’ll address the identification of ALL potential muscle dysfunction and address accordingly, using the following procedures: muscle strength testing, muscle length testing, functional range of motion protocols, muscle activation exercises, and kinesiology taping.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $199 CAD + HST member; $249 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
PCE: FKCI Bootcamp Canada Instructor
Ross O’Donnell, BA, CPT
This workshop is designed to be implemented with adult and youth/teen programs in gyms, schools, sports teams, and community youth programs. The attractiveness of one of The BOOTCAMP CANADA™ programs is that adults, teens, and youth get a calorie-burning cardiovascular & resistance workout that is fun. The program is delivered in circuit format, which allows for 15-, 20-, 30-, and 45-minute program options to suit your needs. The circuit incorporates cardio and resistance partner drills, free body circuits that allow each participant to set their own pace, and throw in some basic punch and kick drills for the ultimate bootcamp experience. It is an awesome way to build cardio, strength, agility, coordination, stamina, and enhance mental focus.
Important: Candidates who wish to become FKCI Bootcamp Instructor certified must complete a take home examination for which additional fees are applicable.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $179 CAD + HST member; $219 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
PCF: CPTN Yoga Level 3 – Yoga for Athletes and Personal Trainers
Angela Jervis-Read, BA, E-RYT 500
Serious athletes understand that muscle balance and flexibility are key components to remaining injury-free. This program is specifically designed to increase strength, flexibility, and muscle balance in athletes. Geared toward demonstrating how a trainer can incorporate yoga into clients’ training sessions, this seven-hour workshop will include a brief history of yoga, basic theory of pranayama and asana practice, discussion about different types of yoga, the practice of sun salutations and other warm-ups, the practice of specific postures, and explanations about how athletes in specific sports might benefit from this kind of yoga practice.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear and bring a Yoga mat.
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Fee: $199 CAD + HST member; $249 CAD + HST non-member – Fee includes lunch / CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-7, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.7, OFC-7
Saturday, June 3, 2017 – Conference Sessions – Lunch Served to All Delegates
CECs: CPTN-7, CSEP-5, IYCA-4, NSCA-0.6+, OFC-7
Session Index
8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
SA1A: FKCI™ Fitness Kickboxing 101 (WS)
Ross O’Donnell, BA, CPT
This session is developed specifically for the personal trainer to incorporate “Real” Kickboxing punch and kick techniques as well as basic combination selection. Delegates will come away with a complete personal training session format including warm-up, stance, footwork, kickboxing cardio-agility drills, focus pad partner training, abs routine, and cool-down stretches. This workshop is designed for the ultimate in authenticity and fitness, ensuring a safe and efficient small group or personal training session. All participants will receive a complimentary FKCI towel.
SA1B: Assessing Your Clients – From the Inside (L)
Brian Grasso, Dipl Fitness Management
Heather Harrison, MEd, BKin, NCCP Certified, CPTN-CPT.M
To build a successful fitness business you need to get and retain quality clients. But do you know the secret of keeping your clients coming back, reaching their goals and telling everyone they know about you? In this session, Heather Harrison, who specializes in teaching coaches how to be more effective with their clients, tells you the simple truth that few trainers put into action: how you relate to and build trust with your clients and prospects is the foundation of success for your client and your business. You’ll walk out of this session with simple tools to understand your clients’ true wants and needs, get honest feedback and create an environment where your clients feel connected to you.
Note: Due to a personal issue that cannot be resolved before June 3rd, Brian Grasso, with deep regret has cancelled his attendance at the 2017 CPTN Conference. Heather Harrison will present in his absence.
SA1C: “Do Ageist Attitudes Affect the Body and Mind? Exercise is the Answer.” (L)
This lecture will address the theory of aging and ageism to achieve an understanding of this life course perspective for optimum program design and management. Learn how clients can overcome barriers towards exercise and exercise intensity. Being creative with the application of assessment tools, and principles of perceived exertion, are the initial building blocks to successful aging.
SA1D: Meditation (WS)
Angela Jervis-Read, BA, E-RYT 500
Our thoughts are the beginning of the manifestation of our lives. We are what we think. Learning to meditate is valuable for everyone. Spending time with our feelings and recurrent thinking patterns teaches us a lot about ourselves and gives us valuable information that we can use to make our lives more peaceful and our endeavours more successful. Meditation is daunting for many. The misconception that we are trying “not to think” is a misunderstanding that makes meditation seem boring and impossible. This course will teach you easy-to-follow techniques that you will be able to use in your daily life. With practice, life becomes less stressful, relationships are easier to navigate, and health in both body and mind improve.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear and bring a Yoga mat.
9:45 AM to 11:15 AM
SA2A: Top 20 Mobility & Warm-Up Exercises (WS)
Nick Tumminello, CPT
Mobility and Warm-Up is one of the hottest subjects in the fitness field. But with hundreds of different exercises from which to choose, it can be confusing which drills offer the most value. In this workshop, Nick Tumminello will show you his top 20 warm-up and mobility drills for helping clients and athletes feel better, move better, and increase the productivity of their training session!
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA2B: What’s the Brain Got to Do with It? An Introduction to Brain-Based Fitness and Rehabilitation through Z-Health (WS)
Dr. Eric Cobb, DC, BSc
Health and fitness approaches around the world are evolving at a fantastic rate. In the last 20 years we have seen a huge shift from an isolated biomechanical approach to a far more anatomically driven integrated concept. But the evolution continues! If you have ever had the nagging sensation that there is more to human performance than simply addressing joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues, then this workshop is for you. Come join us to explore movement neurology and how it impacts everything we do with our clients in a fun, practical way!
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA2C: Body Composition Strategies (L)
John Paul Catanzaro, BSc, CK
Learn many of the trade secrets to get your clients lean in a short period of time. This talk covers diet, supplementation, and training protocols for clients of all levels. Several case studies will be examined.
SA2D: Pilates Body Balance (WS)
Pamela Knight, Dipl Fitness Management, CYT, CPI
Learn how to become more stable with overall balance while learning how to break down some of the toughest Pilates exercises. This user-friendly technique is results-oriented and challenging for all levels of fitness.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear. and bring a Yoga mat.
11:30 AM to 12:45 PM
SA3A: How To Get More out of the Rest Period between Sets or Intervals (WS)
Karsten Jensen, MSc, CPTN-CPT.M, CHEK Practitioner L2, CHEK HLC L3
With a clear time limit on the workout, increasing the training stimulus without adding training time should be an ongoing challenge for personal trainers. This workshop teaches strategies that focus on optimizing the use of the rest period: strategic stretching (hypertrophy, range of motion, or strength/power), visualization, fatigue management strategies (interval training), and last but not least, how to systematically acclimate the client to train with shorter rest periods.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA3B: Nutrition Toolbox for Trainers (L)
Jodi Robinson, BSc, RD, CDE
When it comes to nutrition, working as a personal trainer comes with its share of challenges such as knowing what you can and cannot say to your clients and keeping up with the latest trends. This session will clarify what is within your scope of practice as a fitness professional and uncover how to identify fad from fact to become your own nutrition sleuth. Your nutrition toolbox will be filled to the brim with practical research-based tips, tricks, and resources you can begin sharing immediately with your clients.
SA3C: Developing a Safe and Effective Cancer Exercise Program (L)
Marian Barnick, BSc, RKin, CWCE
There is a missing link in the treatment of cancer patients; that link is exercise. Current research provides substantiation of the benefits of exercise to reduce cancer risk, reduce symptoms during adjuvant therapy, and help cancer patients return to their normal activity level after cancer treatment is completed. As a special population for exercise professionals, an enriched knowledge is required to ensure safety and efficacy when providing exercise programming to cancer patients. Knowledge of the disease, understanding of treatment, and exercise modification are key components. Marian will discuss these key components and show you the initial steps required to successfully adapt and expand your practice to safely include cancer patients by adding cancer exercise to your skill set.
SA3D: Power Yoga for Strength (WS)
Angela Jervis-Read, BA, E-RYT 500
Power Yoga is a fun and intelligent way to build comprehensive and functional strength. This workshop will teach you the basic sun salutation that is the foundation of the power yoga practice. Next we will explore how to creatively layer in arm balances, inversions and other core strength-building postures. An improvement in balance, coordination, flexibility, and proprioceptive capabilities support and multiply the increased strength one attains through the practice of power yoga. As a trainer we do not always have the equipment we would like to work with. Power yoga requires nothing but the client’s body weight. Leave this workshop with easy-to-teach techniques that will refresh your workouts and challenge both you and your clients.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear and bring a Yoga mat.
12:45 PM to 1:00 PM
Lunch: Hot Lunch Served to All Delegates
1:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Luncheon Address 1 – Discerning Quality Information (L)
Nick Tumminello, CPT
With so much conflicting information about training and nutrition it can be difficult to know what to believe. Put simply, all information isn’t equally valid. In this presentation you’ll learn simple strategies that help to avoid confusion from conflicting information and empower you with the ability to quickly identify the good information and separate it from the questionable information.
1:30 PM to 2:05 PM
Luncheon Address 2 – The Power of Thought (L)
Alicia Brown, BA, CPTN-CPT, Olympian
An insightful and motivational talk about the power of thought.
2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
SA4A: LTS™ Welcome to the Jungle: Your Guide to LTS™ Obstacle Course Training (WS)
Nelson Bolarinho, BASc, CPT
With the massive worldwide popularity of Obstacle Courses/Adventure Runs, many of our clients are now training for and competing in these fantastic events. The EQualizer® and Buddy System® this session is a challenging way to explore and develop the movements and skills necessary for competing in an Obstacle Courses/Adventure Runs! See how these portable and dynamic tools, exercise selection, and programming will get your clients prepared and working towards this fun goal. We will also be incorporating Lebert Fitness System’s latest invention, the New SRT (Spring Resistance Training) Barbell®! Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and all other races – look out!
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA4B: Exercise Muscle Testing (WS)
Dr. Ken Kinakin, DC, CSCS
Learn how to use muscle testing in your initial client assessment or on the gym floor. In this all-hands-on, no-theory workshop, we’ll go through all the top weight training exercises used in everyday workouts. Learn how to muscle test for the barbell bench press, dumbbell shoulder laterals, lat pull-downs, bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, leg extensions, leg curls, and crunches. Pick up new assessment and rehab protocols for your clients to use on Monday morning.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA4C: Choice Theory for Fitness Professionals (L)
Heather Harrison, BKin, NCCP Certified, CPTN-CPT
Choice Theory, developed by Dr. William Glasser, is an explanation of human behaviour based on internal motivation. This session will be an introduction to Choice Theory as a practical approach to supporting client-centred behaviour change. Its integration into coaching can highlight the mental and behavioural aspects of choice that both help and hinder client success and lay the groundwork for clients to consistently select more effective behaviours. Participants can expect to engage with the following concepts: five needs that drive all client behaviour; four components of “total behaviour” and how they will inform your coaching; creating an environment conducive to quality performance; and effectively addressing discrepancies between client goals and behaviour.
SA4D: Yoga and Fascia (WS)
Angela Jervis-Read, BA, YTT
Fascia is the tissue that binds and holds all of our parts in place. It is a communication system in and of itself, and is a network that unifies all systems of our body and mind. Fascial patterns determine your posture and how your bones articulate at joints. The practice of yoga, specifically yin yoga, is an incredible way to influence the fascial matrix. Yin yoga is an effective way to control chronic pain and to relieve the discomfort of arthritis. Yin yoga is amazing for unlocking holding patterns created by repetitive movements – very useful for athletes.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear and bring a Yoga mat.
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
SA5A: TriggerPoint™ for Movement: Hip and Shoulder Mobility (WS)
Kennedy Lodato, CPT, FIS
Can your body move? Unfortunately, most people can’t move where it matters the most. The hips and shoulders are designed to be some of the most mobile areas of the human movement system, but they often lock up, creating a cycle of improper movement patterns and injuries. Normal functional activities, such as walking, require extension, flexion, and rotation of the hips and shoulders. If this can’t occur, the nervous system will alter the spine or the gait itself. Learn how to quickly identify these patterns and how to properly address these areas with self-myofascial release. This advanced approach is focused on creating the myofascial relationships necessary to optimize movement, preventing injury and prepping the body to perform at its best.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear.
SA5B: Online Training Done Right (L)
Johnathan Goodman, BKin, CSCS
In this session, attendees will learn why online training is so popular today. It will also cover how online training, when done correctly, can be a great option for both the client and trainer. Developing an online training business, either on the side or as a full-time job, can be a convenient way to generate more freedom as a personal trainer.
SA5C: Is Your Metabolism Acidic? (L)
Dr. Alwyn Wong, DC, BSc
Did you know that due to daily stressors, lifestyle choices, and food choices, our bodies are in a constant state of over-acidity? This over-acidity, also known as chronic or latent metabolic acidosis, is subtle and worsens over time. As you’ll see, being too acidic will thwart your weight-loss efforts and will make you fat! Nutritionally speaking, our body’s acid-base acid status is a reflection of the amounts of alkaline minerals in our diet such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as the acid-generating elements, phosphate, chloride, and sulphur. Nutrition and exercise are your best ways of maintaining a healthy, lean body, free of unwanted fat! Consuming the right foods (at the right times, and in the right amounts and proportions) will not only reduce acidity, but will make profound changes in your body composition.
SA5D: Core Yoga & Body Rolling (WS)
Pamela Knight, Dipl Fitness Management, CYT, CPI
Learn specific body rolling techniques to enhance core stabilization while improving range of motion in a variety of Yoga postures.
Note: This is an active session. Please wear training gear and bring a Yoga mat.
- WS – indicates a workshop session that consists of both lecture and practical applications
- L – indicates a lecture session